Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Toddler fits

Throwing a fit because his egg broke and he couldn't put it back together!
So, yesterday, Owen had one of those days - actually, it's been one of those weeks with him, but yesterday was especially bad - starting out with a 7am wake up, which is at least an hour to two hours early for him. It seems just about anything and everything warrants an epic fit of tears and frustration and screams. Bawling because his train came apart at the magnet between the cars, or because he wanted to repeatedly click his high chair straps over and over (which requires that mommy un-click them, and she wanted to eat lunch) or because he wants to watch trucks but not those trucks! Fits over too much, too little, too fast, too slow, and fits...just for the sake of fits. My sweet gentle boy, has just been at the end of his rope. It might be because he's almost two, or because he's teething, or because my pregnancy is getting to him as I get slower and less fun, and maybe just because he has a little more of his mommy in him than people realize on first glance.

Because, by the end of the day yesterday, it was mommy's turn - and mommy was the one throwing the epic toddler fits. I was mad because J was pressuring me to pick what I wanted to eat (as I asked him to pick something up, and he was nearing home). I was mad because J was pressuring me by offering me options of things he could cook me at home, when I just didn't want to eat yet - even though i knew that he and Owen were hungry! I was mad because he just wasn't taking my picture RIGHT, goshdarnit - although I used some much harsher words, front of my son. I was just plain mad and sad - I felt ignored and pushed around and not even a little but listened to. And J, well, he kind of panicked and went into overdrive trying to fix everything and do all the right things - only that just made everything worse, because to my overtired, overstimulated cranky toddler mess of a self, that was just more of the same - more pushing and pressure that I just couldn't handle.

I, crankily, sat down to dinner with my boys and huffed and puffed through dinner with a cranky fit throwing toddler and a bewildered husband who couldn't have done anything right no matter how hard he tried (and believe me he tried). Dinner led immediately into bath time (and "photo shoot" time as I needed a picture for my 31 week post), along with several fights and fits (toddler and mommy-alike), and pushed towards a bedtime that was almost an hour early. Then by 8:30 - I laid down in bed waiting for my husband to "fix it" even though I'd only pushed him away all night - this led to a monster breakdown - tears galore, sobbing like I haven't sobbed in years because he just wouldn't "listen" to me - this of course turned into a hours-long conversation, in which, I laid out all the ways that J had hurt me all night long and how insensitive he was and so on and so on - and he told me how sorry he was and how much he just wanted to make me happy and so on and so on - finally culminating in a way too late bedtime - feeling a little better and a lot more understood.

Then this morning, by the light of day, I saw myself in a whole new light, and what a child I had been. J spent the whole evening and hours that he should have been sleeping loving me, while I whined and cried and yelled and told him how he was doing it all wrong - which is exactly what I've been getting so frustrated with Owen for doing (only he has a bit more of an excuse, being an actual toddler and all).

I'd like to blame my actions on pregnancy or lack of sleep or any of the other reasos and excuses that I use to explain away my behavior and Owen's - but the truth is that I let my sin nature get the best of me, and while I'm trying to teach my toddler to tame his own - I needed a real lesson in humility and how I don't have it all together myself - to help get my expectations for Owen and for myself back in check. The fact of the matter is that he can't and I can't do it on his/my own! We need God and his grace and power in our lives. We need His help to rise above our sin nature and honor Him with our lives. It's really easy to get caught up in doing and being good - in our power and will rather than His - and I needed the reminder that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - not through my own strength!

J really was an amazing example of God last night - he stood back, never leaving me, but letting me have the space I needed to throw my fit, always ready and willing to help whenever I let him close enough to try. He listened to me whine and complain and tell him that everything he did was wrong and how it was all his fault - when really he did absolutely nothing wrong - and isn't that just like a, telling God how to do His job, telling him what we want and need and whining because we didn't get our way or He wasn't/isn't fast enough or He answered our prayer in a way that we weren't expecting. I am just so grateful to have a God and a husband who are both willing to love me through my meltdowns and gently talk me down from the other side - who love me enough to keep trying and never leave when I push.

I've always prided myself on being so mature and grown-up - but this kid of mine is showing me in new ways all the time - just how much growing up I still have to do, but that's okay - we have each other and J and an amazing Father in heaven - and we'll figure out this growing up thing, even if we do have a few bumps along the road. My mom always used to tell me that she and I grew up together - and in my childlike perspective I thought that meant that she was just really immature when she had me (sorry, mom!)...but now I see it in a whole new light. This motherhood's a different type of growing up, one complete with a whole new set of growing pains, but worthwhile too.

So, here we go kiddo, Mommy will keep teaching you and you keep teaching me - and we'll both keeping letting God lead us and help us to grow into the people that He wants us to be - because heaven knows we can't do it alone and none of us can handle many more days like yesterday! Thank you, Lord, for the gift of tomorrows - new days when we can start fresh and do better than we did before!

And just to show that this week hasn't been ALL temper tantrums and toddler fits - here's my boys being the goofs they are cracking themselves and this momma up!
Man, do I love these boys! These were their "mom, stop with that flash in my face"-faces!
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